Saturday, January 5, 2013


You should Ar-Go!  Why is that you say?  That is a very good question reader, it's because Argo is a fantastic film by a fantastic director, Ben Affleck (Academy Award winning writer of Good Will Hunting).  What Mr. Affleck did in this film was something so rare- it was magical.  Mr. Affleck was able to keep the suspense level of this film constant throughout.

From the moment the suspense began to the last few minutes of the film, the suspense and tension never faltered- in fact it kept escalating!  Every proceeding minute of this film was more intense than the minute preceding it.

Argo was based on real world events, the Iranian Revolution in 1979.  6 American embassy employees hid from the local radicals while Iran was crumbling around them.  Mr. Affleck plays in this film a CIA agent who conceives and initiates a risky plan to go into Iran and bring out his fellow Americans.  As a viewer I knew how the film was going to end, (hello?! history?!) yet Mr. Affleck was still capable of instilling so much fear throughout the theater; this was where he was brilliant in his craft.  

Where many films have intense sequences that put you on the edge of your seat, they then usually fizzle out and you are returned to a normal state of mind.  Argo took the viewer and never let go.  You are never able to calm down and relax during this film until literally the last few minutes.  Mr. Affleck, mission accomplished!

One of the best aspects of this film was the fact that the rescue plan was to make the 6 stranded Americans part of a film crew on a location scout, and for a Canadian production company no doubt.  This was especially fun for me to see since it's always great to see the inner workings of Hollywood, in fact this idea was the focus of many hilarious jokes about the film industry, "You want to come to Hollywood and act like a big shot without doing'll fit right in."

Mr. Affleck surrounded himself with a stellar cast: Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Brian Cranston.  Having classic old school actors lends itself to the validity of a fake fake movie (double fakes are intentional).   Argo is one of those films that is a necessity for movie lovers, and everybody trying not to repeat the past.  It is a good example of what film making is about: inspiring others.  This film will not let you down, I guarantee you that! I would be surprised if Mr. Affleck does not get numerous Oscar Nominations: actor, director, and picture.

Final words: Extra-Large Popcorn
This film is a must, not the best for kids because of the theme and intensity, however, everyone should see this film at some point.  Mr. Affleck keep on making masterpieces my friend, this is only the beginning!

Until next time, happy viewing!

Review Rating : Based on popcorn sizes; small, medium, large, extra-large
                           When films get a snore zzz... worth skipping  

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely; in spite of knowing the ultimate outcome, I didn't know how it had been achieved, and the film was brilliant in keeping you riding that edge of continually heightened suspense until the very end. In addition, the comic relief provided by Alan Arkin and John Goodman as the Hollywood team behind the film-within-the-film, provided just the right amount of counterpoint for me, brief, welcomed interludes in the tension. Kudos to Mr. Affleck!! Argo is a must go.
